Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Ice Music Playlist on Spotify

Check out the ice music playlist on Spotify.
20 years of ice music - 8 albums.

New Terje Isungset Ice Music video from Oslo autumn 2019

Opening of the "Our Ocean" conference in Oslo, Norway 2019. An important international meeting point to focus on saving our oceans for the future. Terje Isungset: icehorn & iceofone. Arve Henriksen: trumpet. Sara Marielle Gaup Beska: joik. Ola Øverby: ice percussion. Henrik Sandstad Dalen: bass Ina Charlotte Moe: ice percussion. Øystein Etterlid: sound. Sven Erling Brusletto: video. Clothes by Dale of Norway. Music by Terje Isungset.