On January the 3rd there will be a launch of Terjes new CD "Two Moons" at Geilo.
The release will be done from a ski lift, and there will be a mini concert at Kikut toppen. Terje will be playing on a Ice horn made out of 600 years old ice from the great glacier Jostedalsbreen.
Vi feirer ny plate ved å spille på 600 år gammel is.
Det blir plateslipp fra stolheisen på Kikut og minikonsert på Kikut toppen kl 15.00.
Terje Isungset: Ishorn (laga av is fra Nigardsbreen)
Det blir plateslipp fra stolheisen på Kikut og minikonsert på Kikut toppen kl 15.00.
Terje Isungset: Ishorn (laga av is fra Nigardsbreen)
Terje Isungset releases new album: Two Moons
The sound of ice can be heard from Finnmark via Svalbard and Setedal
& all the way to Japan and Røros
This is extreme sport exclaims Terje Isungset aka Iceman Ice. In January 2007 he releases his third album with ice-music: Two Moons, and also goes on the first ice-tour in the world! He performs on instruments made out of ice!
- This is hard work and in the end Mother Nature decides the outcome. Humans have very little saying when they are up against the forces of nature, he says.
The release of Two Moons will take place on next year’s first full moon, the 3rd of January in Geilo. Most of the material for Two Moons was recorded January 15th 2006, by full moon, in an igloo in Geilo. All the instruments were made out of ice from Geilo and Leveld in Norway. Musicians on Two Moons are: Terje Isungset: ice-percussion, voice and icehorn. Per Jørgensen: Voice and icetrumpet.
Ice au naturell
As one on Norway’s leading percussionists and key performer on over 40 CD-recordings: Terje Isungset has made music out of trees, rocks, metal and garbage – and he has also made a music piece of sounds from one of the world’s largest oil rigs. Since 1999 he has been experimenting with the sound of frozen water.
Terje Isungset, pioneer and avant-gardist, has musical roots in jazz, improvisation and folk music. He has long experience of working with visual media in stage and dance productions. He is most widely known for his energetic and innovative percussion playing, although he also uses jews’ harps and his voice in his music – and he is a composer as well. Isungset finds the materials for his instruments outside in their natural environment; experience has taught him which materials produce the sounds he is looking for.
He has been one of the motive powers behind the Ice Festival Geilo, and in January 2006 he released his second CD based on instruments all made out of ice. The album was suitably named Igloo, and was recorded in an igloo in Jukkasjarvi, Sweden. Terje Isungset and vocalist Sidsel Endresen was the only two musicians on the CD.
- It is great to work with ice. It gives great challenges but also great limitations.
Upfront to every concert Terje has to rely on the clerk of the weathers. The concerts are performed outdoors and the temperature must be below zero. The ice that the instruments are made of must be of good quality and it can’t be too windy or snow too much.
- I can’t promise that each concert will be the same experience, but I can promise that we will create music out of whatever nature gives us.
The project has also a greater dimension. All life depends on water. This thought of water as part of a bigger circular motion has been an inspiration.
- Perhaps the water I play upon has gone through another human being, Terje contemplates, underlining that this is not easy listening.
On this ice-tour Terje Isungset brings musicians from different genres, either using their voice or playing along on the ice instruments. Per Jørgensen (performing on Two Moons), Sara Mariell Gaup, a young joiker (throat singing, special for the Sami people), from the group Adjagas, will be joining the concerts in Finnmark and in parts of Western Norway. At Røros the shooting soprano star Silvia Moi will be performing. The audience will also experience the internationally acclaimed jazz musician Arve Henriksen playing ice trumpet at the eastern part of Norway. Other guest-artists: Norwegian folk-singer Unni Løvlid, Peter Paelinck from Belgium on icedidgeridoo, Stepanida Borisova from Sibir og Galina Taibarei from Northern Russia. Therese Skauge (dance) and the visual artist Eric Mutel will also perform during the ice-tour.
To Japan
Isungset & Henriksen will be going to Japan to perform at a big ice sculpture festival in between the Norwegian tour dates.
Icemusic on CD:
Terje Isungset, Iceman is – 2002 Terje Isungset, Igloo – 2006 Terje Isungset, Two Moons - 2007
Anngunn Sørli
Grappa Music Group
Akersgata 7, N-0158 Oslo, Norway
T.: +47 23 35 80 00 F: +47 23 35 80 01 C: +47 91 81 37 89
http://anngunn%20@%20grappa.no/ http://www.grappa.no/
The sound of ice can be heard from Finnmark via Svalbard and Setedal
& all the way to Japan and Røros
This is extreme sport exclaims Terje Isungset aka Iceman Ice. In January 2007 he releases his third album with ice-music: Two Moons, and also goes on the first ice-tour in the world! He performs on instruments made out of ice!
- This is hard work and in the end Mother Nature decides the outcome. Humans have very little saying when they are up against the forces of nature, he says.
The release of Two Moons will take place on next year’s first full moon, the 3rd of January in Geilo. Most of the material for Two Moons was recorded January 15th 2006, by full moon, in an igloo in Geilo. All the instruments were made out of ice from Geilo and Leveld in Norway. Musicians on Two Moons are: Terje Isungset: ice-percussion, voice and icehorn. Per Jørgensen: Voice and icetrumpet.
Ice au naturell
As one on Norway’s leading percussionists and key performer on over 40 CD-recordings: Terje Isungset has made music out of trees, rocks, metal and garbage – and he has also made a music piece of sounds from one of the world’s largest oil rigs. Since 1999 he has been experimenting with the sound of frozen water.
Terje Isungset, pioneer and avant-gardist, has musical roots in jazz, improvisation and folk music. He has long experience of working with visual media in stage and dance productions. He is most widely known for his energetic and innovative percussion playing, although he also uses jews’ harps and his voice in his music – and he is a composer as well. Isungset finds the materials for his instruments outside in their natural environment; experience has taught him which materials produce the sounds he is looking for.
He has been one of the motive powers behind the Ice Festival Geilo, and in January 2006 he released his second CD based on instruments all made out of ice. The album was suitably named Igloo, and was recorded in an igloo in Jukkasjarvi, Sweden. Terje Isungset and vocalist Sidsel Endresen was the only two musicians on the CD.
- It is great to work with ice. It gives great challenges but also great limitations.
Upfront to every concert Terje has to rely on the clerk of the weathers. The concerts are performed outdoors and the temperature must be below zero. The ice that the instruments are made of must be of good quality and it can’t be too windy or snow too much.
- I can’t promise that each concert will be the same experience, but I can promise that we will create music out of whatever nature gives us.
The project has also a greater dimension. All life depends on water. This thought of water as part of a bigger circular motion has been an inspiration.
- Perhaps the water I play upon has gone through another human being, Terje contemplates, underlining that this is not easy listening.
On this ice-tour Terje Isungset brings musicians from different genres, either using their voice or playing along on the ice instruments. Per Jørgensen (performing on Two Moons), Sara Mariell Gaup, a young joiker (throat singing, special for the Sami people), from the group Adjagas, will be joining the concerts in Finnmark and in parts of Western Norway. At Røros the shooting soprano star Silvia Moi will be performing. The audience will also experience the internationally acclaimed jazz musician Arve Henriksen playing ice trumpet at the eastern part of Norway. Other guest-artists: Norwegian folk-singer Unni Løvlid, Peter Paelinck from Belgium on icedidgeridoo, Stepanida Borisova from Sibir og Galina Taibarei from Northern Russia. Therese Skauge (dance) and the visual artist Eric Mutel will also perform during the ice-tour.
To Japan
Isungset & Henriksen will be going to Japan to perform at a big ice sculpture festival in between the Norwegian tour dates.
Icemusic on CD:
Terje Isungset, Iceman is – 2002 Terje Isungset, Igloo – 2006 Terje Isungset, Two Moons - 2007
Anngunn Sørli
Grappa Music Group
Akersgata 7, N-0158 Oslo, Norway
T.: +47 23 35 80 00 F: +47 23 35 80 01 C: +47 91 81 37 89
http://anngunn%20@%20grappa.no/ http://www.grappa.no/
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